Saturday, August 13, 2011

Lesson learned on posting personal info....

...It brings about weirdo's.....Sorry, I had to change the names of everyone in my blog...locations and names will now have to be concealed.  Some crazy started asking me insane questions .....a little too personal and close to home.  So.....i'll still be real....still be posting pictures....but if you're just won't be getting our names.
  I like to think the majority of the population is nice....good.  Non-creepy.  There really are people out there who will  try to get personal information...They really will cyber-stalk you.  So i'm not making it easy anymore!
   It started and ended on Facebook.   Some guy for 3 days straight asked personal questions.  I thought he knew my husband so at first I just answered the basics "How are you?"  "How's Husband?"...It wasn't until I started getting "Whats husband do?"  "When's husband coming home?"....Then I started ignoring this the messaging started to get desperate on their part.  I ended up creeped out...deleting a bunch of people on FB and changing everything (even albums) to only viewable by me or people I really do know...personally...not acquaintances.  I have no more acquaintances on my page.
  Point being...I learned my lesson....double check names..because if they are the same or familiar....might not be who you think they are.  Now....I'll stop being naive.  Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Cluster headaches and Pre-K Home Visits

Feels like it's been forever since i've blogged.  But cluster headaches are no fun.  I had neve rheard of a "cluster headache" until a couple weeks ago.  When I decided I was going to die.  Yes, I knew I could not possibly be in that much pain and not die soon.  SO I went to the ER.  The headache stayed with me for 4 weeks.....4 weeks of pain words can't even describe.  Now the headache cycle as i've been told they're called has subsided and things are returning to normal.  I'm still awaiting a call from the specialist.
   My kids started school in this in kindergarten and one to pre-school.  Girly's first week of kindergarten went without a hitch or even a tear (those came later).  Dear Son 1, after an evaluation and a meeting with his teacher is to start pre-school next week....AFTER a home visit from his teacher.  She just casually through that out as we were leaving her classroom.  I have been wondering ALL week....what does she want to know?....why come to the house?....should I cook?....should I buy pop on the chance she may like to drink one (we don't drink pop or keep it in the house unless my Dad is visiting)?......Is she MAD....we have 3 kids...this house is covered in toys...crafts....we DON'T entertain often because our home is set up just for the kids.  To be comfortable and safe for them.  The couches are stained with juice, jam and ...possibly anything else you can think of.  I have play-dough and moon sand on my book shelf out of reach.  Our home is decorated in our 3 favorite subjects..Girly, Dear Son 1 and Dear Son 2.  And there's a BIG gun safe right behind the front door.  Yeah, we have guns...big ones and lots of them.  Our we being judged??  I keep trying to remind myself that she most likely just wants to get to know us.  I've finally decided that..NO..I will not purchase pop...I may make some sandwiches..but that's just being I good hostess (I'm not would be like slamming the door in her face to me)...And I hope she has excellent hearing....cause our home is always loud ....but always fun.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

So, i've decided that cosmetologist is what I want to that i'm gorwn up.

This is how my daughter and I get out girl time in.  I love hair..styling and playing with it.  I'm glad someone finally pointed out to my that it's OK to follow my passion and do what I love.  I'm VERY proud to announce that I want to go to cosmetology school.  Now I have one year to wait...because, well...daycare is too expensive for 2 kids.  So, i'm waiting until my middle child ..Aiden is in school full time.  Here is one of the styles we've tried...and you'll probably see more..if you keep reading.

School clothes shopping and going back home...

We finally had to go get the kids HAD to be done.(They've been sleeping on mattresses in the floor for almost 3 months now...I know..shame on us..and shame on uhaul for never having trucks..thats a different story.)  I was expecting to be swept away with emotion as we took apart their beds and moved them out fo the house we've spent ..basically, the past 6 years in.  No....not a tear....not even really sad about it.  It felt right leaving home...never thought it would..but it does!  I like our house here...I like being close to the school....I like the neighborhood kids....I like having a mall, small as it is, close by.  It's convenient.  And, as terrible as it sounds...I like being away from my family.  Now, before you gasp...hear me out.  When we lived close to our family...we saw them all the time.  There was no quality time...just time spent.  Now when we visit....every minute counts...every minute is spent well.  And when we leave, I get to come the privacy of us.  No one is going to come and knock on my door if I avoid answering the phone here...they just assume i'm busy, which I usually am (or  No one is going to hold it against me if I miss a party or a get together, cause i'm too far away to make it.  It's's like my husband and I are FINALLY starting our life together...ALONE....for the first time.
      Now that we're back in our new town. The next few weeks are bound to be crazy.....cheer shopping....and a wedding i'm really excited to attend.  School took my husband with me for the first round of school clothes shopping.  I thought I was going to have to pick him up out of the floor of Childrens Place.  Poor guy.....he's never had to be around when the paying part comes around.  When we lived in hazard, I did all our shopping I paid online.  He never had to see it..never had to deal.  He had no clue shopping for just 2 of our kids could be "SO expensive" as he put it.  The sad thing is, I felt I did very well as far as the spending was concerned.  They both got an assortment of basics and ..well...clothes.  I have to shop for fall clothes for our youngest at the end of August..i'm thinking I may leave him at home for that....poor guy....I dont know if he can handle it.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The husband...a looooovvvee story..sort of

So, in my introduction I promised i'd get back to the husband.  My husband...well, he's the reason I am where I am today.  We got married shortly after meeting and since then he has worked hard to make me spoiled and domesticated.  He's very accomplished at those things.  Right now I am taking a year off from working and school because he asked me too.  He said it would be good for me....clear my head....give me time to figure out if I want to be a nurse..or go into business get it..i'm confused.  All I heard was.."It's going to cost $800.00 a month to send two kids to day care..wait till next year when its only going to be 400.00 for one."  It HAS done me good so far...i'm not driving myself crazy trying to reach a sales goal or working insane hours(unless you count hours like those).  He's pretty amazing, he loves me..and I know it.  That in itself is special.  He makes decisions easy because he's honest with me and most of the time supportive.  He's a great Dad!  I know in the title it promises a love story..but now i'm going to have to let you down.  I just realized...while in the middle of typing this that its too hard to describe us.  We're honestly too entangled.  I guess it'll show itself as the blogs keep coming.  Now i'm going to go scrub the dirt from under my nails...we've been gardening.  He insists it's "we"...but he knows i'm the grim reaper of plants.  There's baths to be given and stories to be read....we'll chat later.

Friday, July 8, 2011

My first blog post!

I've been told by a few friends that I should start a blog.  Not that i'm vain enough to think people actually care what I think...well..maybe I do..just a bit.  More that I just moved 3 hours from my home town and new friends would be welcomed!  About me...that's a good start...I have 3 amazing kids and a husband...we'll get to him later. .  I'm honest, maybe to a fault.  I don't glamorize motherhood..or anything else really.  Life be messy!  that could be my fault, as a very dear friend once said "A, you're not exactly the poster child for planning."  I married my husband just 3 months after meeting him, we've been married 6 years in should try it.  We've spent the past 6 years getting to know each other.  We  had a daughter that first year...she is sooooo organized and calm...we have little in common and she amazes me daily.  A year after her we welcomed our little fire, Dear Son 1.  I never saw myself having boys..i'm SO glad I do.  He is a blessing, he's wild and has taught me not to take myself or anything too serious.  That's that brings us to our baby, Dear Son 2, he was the result of what ive come to call "baby fever"'s real.  He is an absolute joy!  It's like..with the first one you're so focused on being perfect and counting poop and feedings...the second you're focused on just keeping them both alive and happy.  Number 3...that's the fun one...the one you know you couldnt possibly screw up..cause..well..the first 2 have already put you through it....or so you think :)  Either way I love it.  Hmmmm...what else.  I'm an only child and I fear it has made me selfish for life.  My husband says its a syndrome...everything is mine "my kids", "my house", "my car" get the point.  Thats all i've got for now...pretty decent I have to go get Dear Son 2 out of bed..nap time is over.  Maybe i'll get to shower today?