Saturday, July 9, 2011

The husband...a looooovvvee story..sort of

So, in my introduction I promised i'd get back to the husband.  My husband...well, he's the reason I am where I am today.  We got married shortly after meeting and since then he has worked hard to make me spoiled and domesticated.  He's very accomplished at those things.  Right now I am taking a year off from working and school because he asked me too.  He said it would be good for me....clear my head....give me time to figure out if I want to be a nurse..or go into business get it..i'm confused.  All I heard was.."It's going to cost $800.00 a month to send two kids to day care..wait till next year when its only going to be 400.00 for one."  It HAS done me good so far...i'm not driving myself crazy trying to reach a sales goal or working insane hours(unless you count hours like those).  He's pretty amazing, he loves me..and I know it.  That in itself is special.  He makes decisions easy because he's honest with me and most of the time supportive.  He's a great Dad!  I know in the title it promises a love story..but now i'm going to have to let you down.  I just realized...while in the middle of typing this that its too hard to describe us.  We're honestly too entangled.  I guess it'll show itself as the blogs keep coming.  Now i'm going to go scrub the dirt from under my nails...we've been gardening.  He insists it's "we"...but he knows i'm the grim reaper of plants.  There's baths to be given and stories to be read....we'll chat later.

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