Friday, July 8, 2011

My first blog post!

I've been told by a few friends that I should start a blog.  Not that i'm vain enough to think people actually care what I think...well..maybe I do..just a bit.  More that I just moved 3 hours from my home town and new friends would be welcomed!  About me...that's a good start...I have 3 amazing kids and a husband...we'll get to him later. .  I'm honest, maybe to a fault.  I don't glamorize motherhood..or anything else really.  Life be messy!  that could be my fault, as a very dear friend once said "A, you're not exactly the poster child for planning."  I married my husband just 3 months after meeting him, we've been married 6 years in should try it.  We've spent the past 6 years getting to know each other.  We  had a daughter that first year...she is sooooo organized and calm...we have little in common and she amazes me daily.  A year after her we welcomed our little fire, Dear Son 1.  I never saw myself having boys..i'm SO glad I do.  He is a blessing, he's wild and has taught me not to take myself or anything too serious.  That's that brings us to our baby, Dear Son 2, he was the result of what ive come to call "baby fever"'s real.  He is an absolute joy!  It's like..with the first one you're so focused on being perfect and counting poop and feedings...the second you're focused on just keeping them both alive and happy.  Number 3...that's the fun one...the one you know you couldnt possibly screw up..cause..well..the first 2 have already put you through it....or so you think :)  Either way I love it.  Hmmmm...what else.  I'm an only child and I fear it has made me selfish for life.  My husband says its a syndrome...everything is mine "my kids", "my house", "my car" get the point.  Thats all i've got for now...pretty decent I have to go get Dear Son 2 out of bed..nap time is over.  Maybe i'll get to shower today?

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